With the present and unforeseeable economy condition, it is obvious that not everyone will work in banks, government parastatals and other private jobs. So why not pay yourself and equally be an employer of labour.

Starting a new business can be a scary thing, especially since you do not know whether or not it will work out.

So is pest control a good business? Pest control is absolutely a good business, as long as you have the right business model, you are dedicated to helping the company grow, and you are willing to invest your resources to make sure it is successful at all costs.

It is a business that does not require huge start-up capital. You do not even have to buy the equipment/machines to be used because there is provision for renting. The following are the major things you need to do to get started:

1. Professional Training: The first major step to setting up a pest management company or learning how to control pest legally and safely is to attend a professional training. You can’t give what you don’t have so there is need for obtaining information required in the field.

2. Have a Registered Business Name: You will need to create a business name and get it registered immediately else another person gets to register the name before you hence taking you back to square one.

3. Branding: This gives you your uniqueness, it help people to identify you even in the mist of multitudes.

4. Identify your Target Market: Though pest control services is required in all sectors of the economy but there is need for you to determine those you want to be servicing.

5. Marketing/Promotions/Adverts: Doing this will publicize your business to people both far and near.

There are several other things you need to put in place but the few points mentioned above are most important for a start up.