Guidelines For Ehorecon License Application By Private Pest Control Companies

Guidelines For Ehorecon License Application By Private Pest Control Companies By Environmental Health Officers Registration Council of Nigeria 2007 and 2015 Gazette. Reports put Together by Tolu Caleb (Rotimax pest control Training academy).

One will recall with nostalgia during the colonial and post-colonial era, the efforts at keeping our environment clean through social effort in self-determination, self-motivation and self-reliance with the community concept of full participation. These efforts were spearheaded by the then Sanitary Inspector who moved from house to house enforcing Environmental Health (EH) services and EH practice has deteriorated in Nigeria from the standard set by the British colonial masters to where we are today due to the general neglect of the sub-sector by both succeeding governments and the general society over the years.

It is also on record that the Sanitary Inspectors now known as Environmental Health Officers (EHO) were the major motivators who moved from house-to-house to inspect premises, educate household members on sanitation and hygiene matters, caused nuisances to be abated and also enforced necessary environmental health related laws and regulations.

The combined efforts of the household and community members, supported by government in those days yielded huge success. Some of these were the eradication of diseases like yaws in 1930s and small pox in the 70s, the drastic reduction of malaria associated morbidity and mortality due to the emphases on elimination of possible mosquito breeding sites.

First, by providence, EH has been recognized as a profession in Nigeria through an Act of Parliament, the Environmental Health Officers (Registration etc) Act 11 of 2002. The Environmental Health Officers Registration Council of Nigeria has been established to regulate the profession. What needs to be done is for all Nigerians to adopt EH consciousness and fall back on what was done right in those days, which worked well for our public health and environmental integrity. Some functions of EH are: sanitation inspection of premises, control of communicable diseases, disposal of waste i.e. garbage, sewage and gaseous wastes including such special wastes like toxic and hazardous substances, potable water supply, good and sanitary housing condition, food sanitation, personal hygiene, pest and rodents control, air pollution control and control of noise pollution, etc.

Pest and Vector Control

Pest and vector control is aimed at reducing man-pest/vector-contact so as to maintain and promote public health. Therefore, every occupier in every premises must take all measures to exclude pest and vector from such premises so as to minimize man-pest/vector-contact.

Every premises shall be rid of pest of public health importance.

  • Every commercial premises including schools, offices, hotels, hospitals, ware-houses, and hostels, etc and such other similar facilities shall be fumigated/disinfested on quarterly (every three months) in accordance with NEHPR 2007.
  • Every premises so disinfested shall be issued with a certificate of disinfections as in appendix 6 duly signed by the Environmental Health Officer who carried out supervised such disinfestations using the appropriate form. A report shall also be issued to the client stating the target pest treated as well as the chemicals used.
  • Any person or company wishing to engage in the business of Public Health Pest Control shall apply to and obtain operation license from the Council using the form in appendix 7.
  • Any person or company granted a license shall obtain an Operational Permit from Environmental Health Authority of the Local Government in which he intends to operate, and for that purpose, pay a prescribed fee.
  • Control measures for pest control shall be as contained in section 7 of the Policy Guidelines on Pest and Vector control 2005, issued by Federal Ministry of Environment, or any other provision in that behalf that may be in force.
  • No person or company shall be allowed to display, sell or distribute any pesticide unless those approved by authorized Government agency.
  • Any person wishing to sell or display for sale such chemical shall obtain a permit issued by the appropriate authority.


Getting EHORECON license for your pest control/cleaning company is very key. The process below is required in obtaining the license:

  • Obtain and fill the council registration form at the rate of N10,000 and fill duly. This form is mostly available at Ehorecon liaison office (TBS, Ikeja, Oshodi in Lagos, regional office at Ibadan and more locations in Nigeria. It`s is compulsory that Pest control has to be part of the nature of business before the application can be granted. Another important document to be added is current tax clearance by the federal government, however eligible companies can apply for waiver at the nearest FIRS offices. Finally, a copy of a written agreement between the applicant and the Environmental Health Officer must also be attached.
  • Applicants must engage the services of a licensed Environmental Health Officer as a consultant who is meant to add his/her valid license to the application form, coordinate, monitor and guide the applicant to ensure standard and cross checking the information provided in the application form and subsequent operations.
  • After this inspection and on the receipt of a report from the consultant, the Council considers the application and conveys her decision within 90 days from the date of receipt of such application.
  • Thereafter, a successful company is required to pay an applicable induction fee and shall be issued with a certificate of registration after attending an induction course organized by the Council. Induction and registration fee currently is N95,000 which can only be remitted to the agency via Remitta platform.
  • Such companies can now practice.