Six Pest Control/Fumigation Marketing Ideas

  • Create a professional website: A website gives potential customers insight and reveal more detailed information about the organization to prospective customers. That is; certifications, license, insurance, contact, information, testimonials, pictorial evidence of previous jobs and list of clientele.
  • Strong social media presence: It’s absolutely free to expose your pest control/fumigation business using different social media platforms like Jiji, Instagram, Facebook, Google listing, Twitter, etc. though the results sometimes are not immediate but consistency yields result.
  • Networking/referrals: Often a time customers search for pest control services online and by phone directory. Developing relationships with homebuilders and property managers who often get calls for pest control is a vital way of marketing your business. Similarly, being part of local business networking groups can provide an opportunity to market your business with other SME’s who support each other.
  • Effective instructional videos: Visual content provides a much more compelling experience than hand written. It shows the customers how they work in action through product and also demonstrate the value your business brings to the table. Video can help you humanize your business if you provide customers with relatable story.
  • Email marketing: Creating a strong email marketing strategy helps you reach and connect with your target audience in a personalized way and increase sales at an affordable cost. Just as other platforms and media have changed, email marketing tools give your business the ability to reach customers easier than ever.
  • Sponsored adverts: Sponsored Content plays a valuable role in a strategy of paid, owned and earned media. It raises awareness for your brand, product or service, educate your target audience, develop thought leadership, build positive sentiment toward your brand.